Haris Park esküvő

Haris Park Esküvő

Haris Park Esküvő

Esküvő a Haris Parkban. Andris és Eszter esküvőjéről fogok beszélni, előbb azonban egy kis történelmi kitekintő:

Az eredetileg a Budai Polgári Lövész Társaság Budai Lövőház néven ismert épülete közel 150 éves múltal rendelklezik. 

Nagyjából az 1990-es évek óta viszont üresen állt az épület de pár éve teljes felújításon esett át, megőrizve az eredeti részeket, részleteket. Az épületben a különböző terek viszont új funkciókat kaptak. 

A Haris Park most már több helyszínnek is az otthona, esküvőket és rendezvényeket is rendeznek. A Bobo étterem minden nap várja vendégeit, a bálterem csak akkor van nyitva ha rendezvény van.

Az egyik szobában egy pici hangulatos kápolnát is kialakítottak, így ”templomi” esküvői ceremóniára is lehetőség van.

Az ún. kastély esküvői helyszín kertje is gyönyörű, szabadtéri esküvői ceremóniára is gondoltak a tervezők, mert építettek egy pagodát, amely szerintem jól is lett tervezve – fotózás szempontjából – ugyanis bár árnyékot ad, azért nem sötétíti el teljesen az az alatt állókat. 

Andris és Eszter esküvője a Haris Park – ha szemben állunk az épülettel – bal oldali részén lett megrendezve, tehát nem a Bobo étteremben, hanem a másik moldalon, ahol talán nagyobb a kerthelység.

Ez az oldal azért előnyösebb, kiváltképp szabadtéri esküvő alkamával, mert ez a nyugati oldal így ide süt a lemenő nap, ezért estefelé szebbek a fények, jobb a hangulat.

Mivel ez egy szabadtéri esküvő volt, ( a bálterem csak amolyan vész tartalék volt) gyönyörűen be lett rendezve a tér kerti bútorokkal, a DJ pult is a fűben volt. Ültetett vacsora helyett egész este kis falatkákat szolgáltak fel a helyi remek konyhából.

A helyszínen van egy lakosztály is, így itt lehet például készülődni is az esküvői napra. Eszter is így tett, majd vendégvárás után a kerti pagoda alatt volt a ceremónia. Ezt követte a gratulációk és a csoportképek. Majd egy egész estés nyugodt kerti beszélgetős nagyon vidám esküvői partyval zárult a nap.

A Haris Parkot mint Budapesti esküvő helyszínt mindenkinek szívvel ajánlom, aki például nem szeretne messzire utazni, sőt ez szinte a város közepén van, mégis egy csodálatosan felújított épület és gyönyörű parkosított kert közepén ünnepelhet.

Hernyák birtok esküvői dekoráció Etyek

Etyeki boros esküvő!

Wedding couple portraits at Chateau Bela Slovakia

Kastélyesküvő Szlovákiából!

Wow! Mutasd!

Copenhagen elopement portraits

Copenhagen Elopement Photographer | Anni + Luke

Bride and Groom cuddling up Copenhagen beach

The little Copenhagen Elopement Guide

What is an elopement?

Originally it meant to escape and get married without telling your family and friends.

These days elopements are not so drastic, although this do happen from time to time, in most cases the families do know about it.

Reasons to elope

Couples wanting to elope chose this for different reasons. They want to go to a dream location where you cannot hold a big wedding, or they just want to be themselves and enjoy getting married on their own terms without the hassle of organising a big wedding.

Sometimes couples do include very few guests, like parents, making it into a micro wedding.

Also, sometimes couples organise a big party at a later date when they return home.

One more reason can be money related. The couples choosing to elope might not have the funds to organise a traditional wedding and they instead try to save up for other things in their life ahead.

If a big formal wedding is something you want to avoid, an elopement in Copenhagen might be the best and easiest choice for you.

Why should you elope in Copenhagen?

Copenhagen is a beautiful city. It is a modern and forward thinking capital. Architecture is fantastic, with both classic and modern buildings. Romantic canals and the vicinity of the sea makes it one of the most desirable destinations to elope.

  • You don’t need your own witness. Let the registrar know that you don’t have a witness and they can sign your documents for you.
  • Same-sex marriage in Denmark is allowed. In fact, Denmark was the first country to grant married status to same-sex couples in the world in 1989.
  • Paperwork and documentation is easy and fast.
  • easily accessible from all around the world.

The price of an elopement in Copenhagen. How much does it cost to elope in Copenhagen?

The cost of eloping in Copenhagen really depends on your budget. Apart from the official cost and administration fee you can go low-key or you can go all in.

I’m here  to help you as a photographer, and I can recommend you some of the vendors too, including make-up artist and florist.

Here are 2 examples of what you can expect to pay:

High-end elopement package

  • Administration fee 217€
  • 2-3 night in a hotel 1200€
  • photographer 3500 €
  • hair make up 250€
  • bouquet and boutonniere 250€
  • wedding dress and suit 4000€
  • total elopement price ~ 8417€

Affordable elopement package

  • Administration fee 217€
  • 2-3 night in a hotel or Airbnb 600€
  • photographer 1800 €
  • hair make up 200€
  • bouquet  180€
  • wedding dress and suit 2500€
  • total elopement price ~ 5497€

What is the ceremony like in the City Hall Copenhagen? (Radhus)

It is short (5-10 minutes) but sweet ceremony. It is possible to exchange vows and rings.

At the end you sign your marriage certificate.

To make it seem to last longer I recommend to take portraits in and around the building. It is a very beautiful building with many options.

More reading and info: Familieretshuset

elopement scandinavian couple at copenhagen beach

Copenhagen Elopement Photographer

I was so happy when Anni contacted me to photograph their elopement in Copenhagen. I’ve known Anni and Luke for a while now, Anni is a cellist playing concerts all over Europe and Luke is an english teacher in an international school. They lived in Copenhagen for a while when Anni was studying and so when they moved to Budapest they decide when they get married they would do so in Copenhagen the city they both love. What is not to like about Copenhagen? Probably the best cyclist infrastructure in the world, many good cafes and restaurants, and of course the world renown Scandinavian design all makes the capital of Denmark a very pleasant and wanted destination among couples wanting to elope or getting married in Denmark.

Photographing an elopement in Copenhagen is fabulous. It is so nice and such an honour to share a full day with just a couple and no one else.

Wedding photography is all about trust, and it’s even truer when photographing elopements.

Copenhagen has a lot to offer, the City Hall (Radhus) is a beautiful building not only for the official ceremony but for some portraits too.

The wedding day

It was a beautiful day. We only had a few plans for after the ceremony, and we thought we’ll see how things are going and how much time we have to do things. We wanted to go to some of their favourite locations to take portraits, but before we did that, we stopped at the Mikkeller bar for a famous brew beer. After that we passed by the Copenhagen Botanical Garden and ended up at the Copenhagen beach by sunset, where Anni and Luke read out their personal vows to each other. This was definitely the highlight of the day, with the beautiful area, majestic light and emotions flying high too.

In the evening we went to the Meatpacking district and took some final portraits with the neon lights, which felt like we were in a movie. Here is to more elopements!


ELOPE SCOTLAND | Scottish Highlands Elopement

Amazing adventure in the Scottish Highlands!

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Portrait of a couple on the beach near Malmo

See these beautiful portraits from Malmö, Sweden.

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austrian alps wedding couple

Castle Wedding Austria - Schloss Ernegg

Castle Wedding Austria – Schloss Ernegg

Truth is, I love Castle weddings in Austria, or  as they call the Austrian castle venues, schloss. They are stylish, full of history, they all have a beautifully kept garden and in most cases a forest around it and as an extra a lake. All perfect backdrops for some portraits and as a whole for a wedding. 

Schloss Ernegg is a 12th century home located in the foothills of the Austrian Alps. A little road through a tiny village leads up to the castle. Kind of hidden, the whole building can only be seen from a distance form a nearby golf club. It features a charming courtyard and a garden at the back of the building. Both of these are really nice spots for the wedding ceremony and/or to welcome the guests.

Barbara and Lukas chose the garden as the location of the wedding ceremony and I think it was the best choice. Surrounded by nature but the Castle as the backdrop just looked and felt stunning. 

It was an early autumn day and the sun was shining through the  leaves of the huge trees. The majority of the guest were coming from Austria, particularly from Vienna.

I have arrived a day earlier and as always, i drove around to see if I can find some spots for portraits. Just 5 km away I did find a really nice location, on top of a hill by the road. The setting sun was well visible on the rolling hills, and on the wedding day we drove out from the castle just 20 minutes before sunset to take my favourite shots of the day.

The wedding dinner was on the second floor of the castle in the so called ,Drawing Rooms’. After the few heartfelt speeches and the delicious dinner provided by the castle the guests continued the celebration once again on the ground floor in the bar area.

You might want to check out this other wedding from a beautiful chateau in Slovakia: Wedding in Slovakia

Gorgeous wedding from a Chateau!

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Have a look at this amazing wedding from England!

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More weddings!

wedding couple at chateau bela flying veil

Hotel Chateau Bela Wedding

Hotel Chateau Bela Wedding – Viktoria & Brad

It is my absolute pleasure to share this Hotel Chateau Bela wedding from Slovakia. Chateau Bela was built in the 18th century and it was recently renovated. It is located in southern Slovakia near the Hungarian border. The hotel is surrounded by a forest on one side and it has expansive views over the nearby fields on the other. It is a fabulous setting for a wedding venue in Slovakia.

You can reach the reception through an atmospheric courtyard. The Chateau offers a spacious wedding ball room which is lit beautifully by natural light through the huge windows. Chateau Bela is such a perfect wedding venue in Slovakia. The whole wedding party can be accommodated at the hotel and there are different areas where  different part of the wedding day can be organised and held. You can have welcome drinks in a beautiful room connected to a terrace overlooking the garden with a lake. There is a small charming Chapel too attached to the chateau so there is no need to travel afar for a church ceremony.

Viktoria and Brad organised their wedding in Chateau Bela for a couple of reasons. Viktoria is originally from Slovakia. Though she didn’t grow up in Slovakia, she does speak Slovakian because of her mum. They both love classic buildings and they wanted their wedding guests (for many of whom came from overseas) to have and unforgettable experience in a classic environment.

They spent the whole day at the hotel, and whilst Viktoria was getting ready Brad welcomed the guests. There was such a positive vibe from the start with people cheering laughing and giving big hugs to each other. There were many friends who haven’t seen each other for years and now the got to spend a weekend at this magical palace.

Viktoria was not only gorgeous but she wore a stunning Hayley Paige wedding gown.

Their church wedding ceremony was in the chapel which is part of the chateau. The chapel was just big enough for all the about 90 guests. It was a beautiful and emotional ceremony after which we all walked back to the courtyard for dome family formals and group photos with friends. 

Taking the portraits of them was so easy. They look fabulous and their incredibly kind personality made this part of the day so enjoyable. We just walked down to the garden of Chateau Bela and stopped along the way a few times. We also took some portraits inside the chateau as we wanted to show more of the beauty of the interior too in the photos. 

The wedding dinner reception was held in the ball room of Chateau Bela. 

As I mentioned earlier Viktoria has Slovakian origins so they wanted to show some of the traditions of a Slovakian wedding.

Slovak Traditional Wedding Cepcenie Ceremony

The bonnet wedding ceremony.

It is an important folklore wedding tradition. It is held at midnight where the unmarried woman is welcomed by married women. 

The participants are dressed in traditional costumes and they sing wedding folk songs. The bride wears a wreath and it is replaced by a headband. 

Brad and Viktoria were one of the most welcoming couple I have met and I’ll be forever grateful for it. 

If you liked this story maybe you would like to see an other similar one .. click here for it.

reading personal vows at Copenhagen beach

An elopement from Copenhagen? Yes please!

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Glasgow wedding photographer 22

Have a look at this amazing wedding from Glasgow!

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Groomsmen walking on the street in Loughborough

Unique Wedding Venue Loughborough

Wedding photographer Loughborough

In August I had the chance to photograph a wedding in Loughborough, England.

Leicestershire is such a beautiful area. As always on my destination weddings I arrived a day earlier and with my rented car I drove around not only to see the countryside but to get familiar with the wedding venues going into the weekend.

Namely, Elinor, the bride got ready in a hotel nearby called the Quorn Grange Hotel, Leicestershire. It was about a 10 minute drive from Loughborough. It is a beautiful and well known hotel and also a wedding venue.

In the meantime – and before the ceremony – David, the groom went to the local pub the Organ Grinder Pub with his friends for a pint. in my opinion it was an excellent idea to just spend some quality time with your fiends and also ease the nerves a little.

The actual ceremony took place in the Loughborough Registry Office. It was a pretty registry office. And conveniently there was a nice lush garden next to it where guests could congratulate and also we took some family formals too.

Unique Wedding Venue Loughborough

If you scroll down and see the images you’ll immediately see why I think its a really unique wedding venue but let me tell you about it. It is located in an industrial part of Loughborough, but also really close to the centre.

It is on the top floor of an old warehouse. As it is a loft like venue it accommodates a large number of guests easily. The owner and also the designer of the venue has an incredible taste and attention to details. He personally collected many of the decorations and prints.  A bed which can disappear into the floor or a crane which holds a tv are just two examples of the original ideas.

On the wedding day a good friend of the bride organised the decorations and flowers which complemented very well with the features of the venue.

If you’d like to have more info about this Unique Wedding Venue Loughborough, please get in touch.

reading personal vows at Copenhagen beach

An elopement from Copenhagen? Yes please!

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Glasgow wedding photographer 22

Have a look at this amazing wedding from Glasgow!

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St Matthias Church wedding ceremony

Matthias Church Wedding Photography | Felicia + Fredrik

Matthias Church Wedding Photography, Budapest

Certainly, the most important part of the day was the wedding ceremony in St. Matthias Church up in the Castle district. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves too much.

This is a wedding I am particularly proud of. Felicia and Fredrik are from Stockholm. They chose Budapest for their wedding day partly because Felicia has family roots here, and partly because of the beautiful views, locations and wedding venues Budapest offers.

They planned a big wedding. With many guests arriving from abroad, they organised a pre-wedding night get together in one of the ruin bars in the centre of the city. This was a great idea to meet and greet everyone and set the mood for the weekend.

Their wedding day started on the Buda side in an old beautiful villa – the Writer’s Villa. Most of the close friends and family members got ready there and that is where Felicia and Fredrik also had their first look.

As I mentioned before, their wedding ceremony was in Matthias Church. The church has a history of over a thousand years and even King Matthias had his wedding there.

This and possibly the best location in Budapest, makes it one of the most popular and best churches in Budapest in which to get married. It is surrounded with a beautiful square and narrow cobblestone streets. The view from just a few steps away is amazing. When you are up there, you are on top of Budapest.

Before the wedding ceremony began, the guests gathered in front of the church waiting for the bride to arrive. They all looked fantastically elegant as this was a black tie wedding.

The ceremony was beautiful in the old historical church and I loved seeing so many guests enjoying watching the couple exchange vows.

After the ceremony, they had a little, hour-long, reception on top of Fisherman’s Bastion to relax and to take in the beautiful panorama.

Following this event, the wedding dinner was held in Wenckheim Palace, which is mostly known as the Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library. On weekdays it is the main branch of the largest library network in Hungary.

As typical of a traditional Swedish wedding, they had a very long dinner, which lasted around five hours. The dinner was filled with speeches from friends and family. This made an even very large wedding party, very intimate and emotional.


Couple photo in Singapore in shop house area

Take a look at this gorgeous wedding from Singapore

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Portrait of a couple on the beach near Malmo

See these beautiful portraits from Malmö, Sweden.

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ELOPE SCOTLAND | Scottish Highlands Elopement

Elope Scotland | Alex + Noelle

Scottish Highlands Elopement

Noelle and Alex, although they live in Singapore, they decided to have an elopement in the Scottish Highlands.

They both work in the creative field so it was really nice to read Noelle’s email about their plans for their wedding and that they would like me to be their wedding photographer in Scotland.

Noelle is from Australia and Alex is from England but Scotland is close to their heart as they both love nature and the beautiful scenery in the Scottish Highlands. And more importantly, it is where Alex proposed.

They were looking at different options on where and how to elope in Scotland, and they chose the excellent location and hosts from Crear Weddings on the west coast of Scotland – for their Scottish Highlands wedding!

Eloping in Scotland

The day of the wedding was cold and windy as it is more often than not in this area, but beautifully sunny too. Only a handful of guests, their very close family, followed them along on their adventure.

They started the day by getting ready at the Crear wedding house, and then they went down by the beach where the actual ceremony took place. It was a lovely and emotional ceremony.

A Scottish Piper was part of the event and this added an extra level to the otherwise already perfect mood.  After the ceremony, we took a little break to warm up and finally we went out for a memorable walk to take some wedding portraits in the Scottish wilderness.

If you are planning a Scotland elopement,  let’s connect, I would love to hear from you.

Looking for more inspiration on runaway wedding ideas or a Highlands Castle wedding? One of the best places to get married in Scotland is the Sherbrooke Castle Hotel. Find out why here.

reading personal vows at Copenhagen beach

An elopement from Copenhagen? Yes please!

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Glasgow wedding photographer 22

Have a look at this amazing wedding from Glasgow!

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